Summertime Sadness

This summer has gone by incredibly fast and I although I love fall, I got that summertime sadness (Lana Del Ray put it perfectly!). Before I start my fall wish-lists such as visiting wineries, apple picking, and pumpkin everything (sorry, I’m just not ready yet), I have a few more summer bucket list items.  Do you have a summer wish-list left?

  • Girl’s beach trip ( and I mean ONLY girls!)
  • Take Zoey (my pup) to the beach.. my little baby has never been!
  • Make homemade popsicles with this mouth-watering recipe I found on Pinterest here.
  • Go to a Yankees game!

{At a friend’s picnic this past week wearing a crop top from Forever 21, a floral sheer cover from Macy’s, Madden girl wedges, Guess watch, monogrammed necklace c/o Eve’s Addiction and a headband from Oh, and the drink was an island Martini- a delicious concoction they were serving at the bar!}

{My husband checking out this awesome classic Chevy. Love the mint color!}


{Zoey soaking up the sun}

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