imPRESS Manicure Review

As a new mom, I appreciate the little things a lot more. The pleasure of getting a manicure or going out to lunch, or even eating a hot meal for that matter, is a huge treat now. With that said, these “luxuries” are far and few between when you’re a new mom. Broadway Nails sent me these imPRESS nails, which are a great alternative to an at-home manicure. I admit, I am not good at painting my own nails. I am the total opposite of ambidextrous; my right hand usually looks like a 4 year old attempted to paint my nails.impress

I grew up in the 90s so I was a little weary of these when I saw them.  I remember glue disasters and getting fingers stuck together with the old school press-on nails.  I was imPRESSed to say the least at how easy and mess-free these nails were get on.  No glue wars this time around.  The colors are also fun & include accent nails for a fun design that you can switch out to make it look like a totally different manicure.

The best part of imPRESS is the ease and no-mess application.  However, I do so much with my hands.  I am constantly cleaning bottles and pump parts (the joys of breastfeeding!) and I noticed after one day, my ring finger “accent” nail popped off.  I was able to get it back on by pressing firmly and it stayed on pretty good.  In total, the manicure lasted about 3 days.  If you are one of the lucky ones that does not do much with your hands, it will probably last a week.  All in all, I would only use imPRESS for an evening out if I wanted a quick mani without having to go out and get my nails done.  For a little over $5 and under 5 minutes, you have a whole set of nails.  They were so easy to peel off as well and left no damage to my nails.
